Wow, no listings? Sorry about that!
Your search for “Bear Spray” did not return any results, because that is not a searchable material in our directory. Here are a few suggestions to improve your experience:
Utilize Earth911’s auto-complete function. If you begin typing a material, Earth911 will attempt to find materials that match what you are typing. This is helpful if you’re unsure how to spell a word.
- Use a zip code instead of an address or city, state for the most accurate search. At this time our coverage is limited to North America. Unfortunately we do not have any locations outside of this area. If you live outside of North America we recommend reaching out to your city government to find out what recycling options are available near you.
- Limit your search to actual products. Searches for “Chicago”, “recycling centers” or “recycling for cash” will not work because our directory works by using specific materials.
If you are in need of assistance please contact us here.