Mon-Fri 8AM-4PM. 904-3929
2075 Williams St
San Leandro, CA 94577
Must call ahead and set up an account
Material | Residential | Business | Note |
Asbestos | none |
pickup |
Transport & disposal For more information on Asbestos such as health risks, ways to prevent exposure, the proper way to prepare asbestos for disposal, and contractors, visit the San Francisco Dept of Public Health website . |
Asphalt | none |
none |
Brick | none |
none |
Carpet | none |
none |
Carpet Padding | none |
none |
Ceiling Tiles | none |
none |
Construction Debris | none |
none |
San Francisco law requires that all mixed construction & demolition debris is taken to a Registered Facility that meets an overall minimum recovery rate of 65 percent for the debris. All the facilities listed below are registered with the City and County of San Francisco. A list of Registered Transporters authorized to haul mixed construction & demolition debris in San Francisco can be found here: |
Doors | none |
none |
WOOD ONLY - clean, untreated, no paint, hardware removed. |
Gypsum Drywall | none |
none |
Light Fixtures | none |
none |
will pick up for charge |
Pallets | none |
none |
Must be clean - no paint,no glue, no chemicals. Nails OK. |
Porcelain Products | none |
none |
Tile | none |
none |
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