Do you provide recycling services?

South Sacramento Pharmacy - Updated Jul 19, 2013 Back

Please visit their website for hours of operation.

(916) 452-0247

5385 Franklin Boulevard

Sacramento, CA 95820

1.  Remove or destroy personal information from medicine containers.

2. Remove solid medication/pills from original containers and place in a zipper bag or directly in the secured disposal bin. Keep liquids in original contaners and place in the secured disposal bin.

3. Recycle the emptied pill containers at home or in the pharmacy's plastic recycling bin.

Materials Accepted




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Material Residential Business Note



YES! What Can Be Collected: Prescription and OTC drugs, pet medications, and medicated ointments. NO! What is Not Collected: Personal care products, sharps, bloody or infectious waste, thermometers, hydrogen peroxide, aerosol cans, business waste and controlled substances* are NOT accepted. More info: www.facebook.com/DontRushToFlush & www.DontRushToFlush.org *No Controlled Substance prescriptions (e.g., vicodin, Ritalin, codeine, valium, etc.) – see complete list at www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules.

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